Monday, August 14, 2006

Later the same evening, we set out to rent a movie, suitable for both man and dog. I was allowed to decide, but I've got to tell you; those Brothers Grimm sure made a scary film...

Dad and I were all alone this weekend. When he was in the shower, I tried out the new couch. Quite comfy, I must say! For some reason, he wasn't too pleased to find me there, and told me to find somewhere else to sleep. I chose one of my favourite spots, the doorstep to the living room.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

These pic's are of me, messing about on the terrace about a month ago. I've grown significantly since, now weighing in at approx. 19 kilos. I dare say that's respectable for a baby, and as you can see, I get more gorgeous every day (and believe me; I didn't think it'd be possible!)

This is me at my dad's office, eating away at an artificial plant. I'm not allowed to do that, and I know it, but hey; who could be angry at me with that face?

The first post

This is my first post. I'm Ulla, a 4 months old Rhodesian Ridgeback bitch, living in Oslo, Norway with my human parents, Marianne and Thomas. In due time, I hope they'll have the time to put out loads of pictures of my beautiful self here...

The pic above left is me and my mum, Masithela's Chevy on May 21st this year, prior to leaving my siblings in Brummundal to try my luck in the capital.